poem: radiant Nature, Humanity, Earth, and Heaven coalescing

poem: radiant Nature, Humanity,
Earth, and Heaven coalescing

now in the Vernal Equinox
of the Northern Hemisphere
in North America
of the southern United States
outside Nashville, Tennessee
in the Southern Hills

the Earth’s vestments of verdant green
the ‘lil woods thick in foliage
deep in dark shadows
abundant wildflowers grace the fields
rabbits stark still buck and run
birds so abundant buzzing your head

the hermit of Bird Heaven
goes out walking the grounds
marveling calmly this obstreperous display
the Earth’s flora and fauna
throbbing, radiating energy, life, and growth
here radiantly all things coalescing

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
May 10, 2021

images: Pachamama, ‘Medicine Birds’
by Li Lian Kolster and Greenman, ‘Tree of Life’
by Brigid Ashwood

quote: the epigram from my new book of poetry, The Poetry of Resistance and Transformative Healing

poem: from human suffering comes collaborative strength and solidarity

poem: from human suffering comes
collaborative strength and solidarity

allowing pain to strengthen and heal you
is to share the connection and strength
of solidarity with other human suffering

by singing together from our woundedness
meaning is given to our and others stories
by becoming a corroborative voice lifting all up

beloved fellow voices in the mercy choir
let us join together singing
our prophetic laments and soothing psalms

remembering the most precious gift we can give
another is our presence and attention here and now
belonging together in in authentic healing communities

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
May 5, 2021

images: Savasana Chakra Garden by Kimberly Russick,
photo of Savasana Class unattributed

Authors note: Savasana is a healing Hatha Yoga posture of
deep relaxation between sleep and wakefulness. It is also
called the corpse pose. By entering this deep meditative
state of nidra consciousness we can reach higher stages
of well being that relieve stress and result in wholeness
and healing. Savasana is usually taught and practiced
as the last posture in yoga classes and with the guidance
of the instructor can be transformative.

poem: the importance of wildflowers

poem: the importance of wildflowers

the wildflowers this Spring,
with the frequent rain,
are bountiful in the
low, marshy bottom land
near the creek offering showy
super cluster

their colorful and vibrant tableau
attracting the pollinators,
supporting complex ecosystems
in our great nest of being
all interconnected

their simple beauty appealing
to our human eye and soul,
perhaps one may be forgiven
a small fresh sprig pinched
for their beloveds cap, their face
all aglow

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
May 3, 2021

photos by Herb Stone

photos by Herb Stone

haiku: cosmic experience

haiku: cosmic experience

in times of union
bridging all separation
self melts into light

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
May 2, 2021

photo by Herb Stone
‘Sun Breaking through on the Beach’

poem: the Wren Songs and the Wiggle Bottoms

poem: the Wren Songs and the Wiggle Bottoms

my dependable companions
appear each morning this Spring
outside the patio doors
where I write upon arising early

the mother wren and her companion,
aka the Wren Songs,
her song of three to four notes
filling the air

the rabbit couple,
aka the Wiggle Bottoms,
darting and rollicking on the lawn
before the ‘lil woods

mom Wren Song begins her busy day
of feeding her nestlings
atop the hook pole, insect in beak,
with a swoop to the nest inside the old grill

the Wiggle Bottoms appear to burrow
in the hedgerow at the property line,
they gyrate, kicking and jumping,
then suddenly flop down nibbling the clover

these my trusty companions
close by each day
their company delightful
singing, feeding, darting, nibbling

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
April 29, 2021

photos by Herb Stone

poem: your creation goes out into the world

poem: your creation goes out into the world

having the creative urge and vision
to write a book is like
carrying and birthing a baby

writing the book, editing, rewriting
is like raising your child
and teaching it all you know

publishing the book
is the rude awakening the child is grown
and now must leave the shelter of home

now realizing you have done all you could,
infusing your love, authenticity, and truth,
your creation must travel afar on its own path

one hopes to hear good news on the journey,
standing on its own, now belonging to the world,
beyond our protection

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
April 26, 2021

photo by Herb Stone
‘My book comes to visit’