poem: the Wren Songs and the Wiggle Bottoms

poem: the Wren Songs and the Wiggle Bottoms

my dependable companions
appear each morning this Spring
outside the patio doors
where I write upon arising early

the mother wren and her companion,
aka the Wren Songs,
her song of three to four notes
filling the air

the rabbit couple,
aka the Wiggle Bottoms,
darting and rollicking on the lawn
before the ‘lil woods

mom Wren Song begins her busy day
of feeding her nestlings
atop the hook pole, insect in beak,
with a swoop to the nest inside the old grill

the Wiggle Bottoms appear to burrow
in the hedgerow at the property line,
they gyrate, kicking and jumping,
then suddenly flop down nibbling the clover

these my trusty companions
close by each day
their company delightful
singing, feeding, darting, nibbling

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
April 29, 2021

photos by Herb Stone

poem: your creation goes out into the world

poem: your creation goes out into the world

having the creative urge and vision
to write a book is like
carrying and birthing a baby

writing the book, editing, rewriting
is like raising your child
and teaching it all you know

publishing the book
is the rude awakening the child is grown
and now must leave the shelter of home

now realizing you have done all you could,
infusing your love, authenticity, and truth,
your creation must travel afar on its own path

one hopes to hear good news on the journey,
standing on its own, now belonging to the world,
beyond our protection

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
April 26, 2021

photo by Herb Stone
‘My book comes to visit’

poem: the hermit of bird heaven thinks of Siddhartha Gautama


poem: the hermit of bird heaven
thinks of Siddhartha Gautamawhen the hermit
of bird heaven
leaves his modest abode
on the high hill

he thinks of
Siddhartha Gautama
leaving his father’s palace
for the first time

witnessing the human
suffering and injustice
just outside the king’s
huge estate gate

Prince Siddhartha upon seeing
an old person, an ill person,
a corpse, and an ascetic,
is shocked by the suffering

as is the hermit upon seeing
the homeless couple
seated in folding lawn chairs
at the interstate off ramp

it is obviously their home
in the bare dirt on the road side
littered with plastic for protection
and their few belongings

Siddhartha never returns home,
continuing on the archetypal
journey we must all take someday,
he becomes a spiritual devote, then teacher

we, propelled by our own human curiosity,
wanting to know the full story and full truth,
for ourSelf, must also leave the privilege
and comfort of our protective ego and home

thus journeying into the shadows
in a pathless land finding our own way,
solitary pilgrims doing the hard work
finding our story and truth for ourSelves


Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
April 24, 2021

image ‘Buddha Under the Bodhi Tree’
from Self Help Robot

Author’s note: Siddhartha Gautmama
is the name of the human who became the
Buddha. In Sanskrit, the name means
“one who has found the meaning of existence.”

Announcement: My new book of poetry is available on Amazon

Sooner than expected, my new book is ready to view and order on Amazon.

I hope you will view the book at by searching on the book’s title, and if it’s poetry and theme resonates with you, you will consider purchasing it.

One more request is that after reading, if you would please leave a review of the book on Amazon, it would be a great help to me. More reviews help increase sales on Amazon.

Thank you friends for all your support, and I hope you will enjoy the book written from my heart as an offering of radical grace and love for the healing of the world and all beings as True selves belonging together in authentic community💓🙏🏽

Coming Soon a New Book of Poetry by Herb Stone

here&now working press is pleased to announce the coming publication of Herb Stone’s new book of Poetry: The Poetry of Resistance and Transformative Healing: In Times of Worldly Tyranny and Chaos. Here is an epigraph from the front matter of his new book:

There is an alternative to the chaos and evil of tyranny, and it is grounded in the transformative healing of Self truth and of authentic communities of belonging. Beloveds, let us prepare, practice, and participate in this perennial vision before it is too late. Let us do the hard work within, without, and together. After all, those who see the vision and hear the call are the only ones who can be this change. It only takes a small group of intentional people committed to a greater purpose to continue this evolution of consciousness to its’ most deep, broad, and inclusive unification of the Cosmos. Blessings and peace, Herb

Also, an advance review of Herb’s new book:

…suffering, crying, grieving, lamenting…”Herb Stone takes the grief and horror of our times and like rough rocks he grinds and tumbles them together against his heart until they are finally polished stones. Now “…singing, dancing, dreaming, creating, hoping, healing…”we finally hold in our hands a silken feel of the New World we are promised. – Gertrud Mueller Nelson, Author, To Dance With God

His new book will be available soon! Further details to come.

poem: honeysuckle summers

poem: honeysuckle summers

honeysuckle cascading
in waves,
down the slopes,
on a hot, sunny day

its sweet scent
wafting on the breeze
across the valley
far below

each bloom
a drop of nectar
drawing out the stamen
sweet on the tongue

suckling ‘til sate
spent white blooms
covering the earth
at your feet

now off again
the wild bunch play
running wild
through the woods

until parents
call us in with
the setting sun
dusty and tired

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
April 20, 2021

photos by Herb Stone