Poem: Where the Wasteland Ends (a beginning)

Where the Wasteland Ends
a beginning)

The distractions of the ten million things
the chaotic consumer’s life
dominant systems oppressing
sufferings of this world
dark nights of the soul

No wonder we lose our bearings
our self and our very being
lost in the wastelands of post-modern society
quagmired in ideology, isolationism, technocracy
longing for our truth, authenticity, belonging

Where does the wasteland end
but right here and right  now
in our very breath, our very bones
in our center and our grounding
doing the work, self transformation

Our beginning, our Breath, our Life Force
mindfully aware isolate the breath
rising, falling, filling, flowing
slowly, deeply, focused concentration
the diaphragm, lungs, nostrils expanding, contracting  

Within our Body, our core
standing, planting our feet on the Earth
tilting pelvis forward, opening sacrum,  lengthening
through the core, opening chest, stacking bones
aligning coccyx, sacrum, vertebrae, neck, head, crown

Centering our being with the Universe
one with the Great Cosmos of
eternal time and space, energy flows
wholeness of Body, Mind, and Spirit
Creation, Creating, Creator

Grounding with our Earth Home
the Body electric, conducing
sharing our myths and stories
beings of community, authentically belonging
true to our Self, walking one another Home

Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih Shantih Shantih
Tat Tvam Asi

here and now we begin

Herb Stone 
here&now working poetry
December 16, 2019

Notes: the poem title is from a book by the same
name by Theodore Roszak; the first two lines of the
last stanza are from The Wasteland by T.S.
Elliot and are Sanskirt; the last stanza translates
as ‘giving, compassionate, self aware; peace, peace,
peace; thou art that’


Photo by Herb Stone

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