haiku: thin places and the time between now and forever

haiku: thin places and the time
between now and forever
wistful hoots echo
in the dark void before light
what yet comes draws near

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
December 14, 2022

author’s note: I recently woke
in deepest, darkest night to a great
horned owl’s hooting and sensed
a moment of spirit connecting
the present and eternity and the
nearness of the divine. Putting this
experience into a poem has led to
much reflection and too many starts
and stops. And now I send it on its
way in hopes it speaks to you.

image unattributed

poem: mindful, intentional, purposeful

poem: mindful, intentional, purposeful

our presence deeply
touching the moment
beyond ego and selfishness

performing acts sacramentally
without attachment
to outcomes

interconnecting as One
in the flow
of all existence

manifesting equanimity of mind
healing inner fears
and worldly suffering

being holistically
body, mind, and spirit
in mutuality with the Cosmos

transforming personal self awareness
through dominant thinking to collective
Self realization of Spiritual Union


one turns around
receives the key
opens the door, enters

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
August 1, 2022

art image by Meghan Oona Clifford
‘Star Born’

quote: the big picture

quote: the big picture

Dedicated to everyone now facing great life challenges and worldly suffering including ill health, aging, separation from a loved one, personal loss, loneliness, waning faith and hope, and weariness, etc. You are not alone. I see you beloveds

Reflection: On Being a Mystic in the Third Millennium

Reflection: On Being a Mystic in the Third Millennium

“Why, when God’s world is so big, did you fall asleep in a prison of all places?”-Rumi

Dorothy Soelle uses Rumi’s quote above as the introductory quote in her 2001 book ‘The Silent Cry: Mysticism and Resistance.’ She goes on to write that two of those prisons for her were the German protestant church and the academic theology of the post-Enlightenment.

She elucidates this as follows: “….I can simply say that what I want to live, understand, and make known is the love for God.” She says that God’s love for us and our love for God must be mutual, and that mysticism best expresses this mutuality between God and humans and advances the Beloved community of radical grace and radical love.

Beloveds, let us here and now love one another in, with, and through the Universal God of All!

Note: Ms. Soelle lived in Cologne, Germany, born 1929, died 2003.

Art ‘Rosa Mystica’ by Shiloh Sophia McCloud

Reflection: On Being Present and in Conversation with Others

Reflection: On Being Present and in Conversation with Others

My (an old man approaching his 74th. birthday) most
fond wish and deepest passion is the Communion of Souls
brought to bear through our right action of mindfulness, intention,
purpose, discipline, and practice. And grounded in True Self,
Authenticity, Mutuality, and
Belonging together in Communities.
Dear Beloveds, may we awaken, personally do the
work, and collectively join together in the unitive experience of
the Divine Ground, Radical
Grace, and Radical Love.
– Herb Stone, poet and author @

Let us consider this plea in its perennial expression of our sisters and brothers:

“For a lack of attention, a thousand forms of loveliness evade us everyday.”
– Evelyn Underhill, Mystics

“We need people in our lives with whom we can be as open as possible.
To have real conversations with people may seem like such a simple,
obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk.”
– Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul

“The divine Ground of all existence is a spiritual Absolute,
ineffable in terms of discursive thought, but (in certain circumstances)
susceptible of being directly experienced and realized by the human being.
This Absolute is the God-without-form of Hindu and Christian mystical
phraseology. The last end of man, the ultimate reason for human existence, is unitive knowledge of the divine Ground—the knowledge that can come only to those who areprepared to “Die to self” and so make room, as it were, for God.”
― Aldous Huxley, The
Perennial Philosophy

“We expect a theophany of which we know nothing but the place, and the place is called
community.” -Martin Buber, Between Man
and Man

poem: the spiritual renaissance will not be social media-lized

poem: the spiritual renaissance
will not be social media-lized 

the spiritual renaissance
will not be social-media-lized,
televised, publicized,
or evangelized 

the renaissance will occur
in the consciousness of humans,
in their mutual relationships,
together in authentic communities 

preparing, the mind in revolt
questions everything
we have been taught
by the oppressive, dominant culture 

practicing, turning within and opening
to the Dharma, the Universal Truth,
as expressed through one’s True Self,
one is transformed and transforming 

participating, our hearts open to Love,
no fear, no fences, no fooling,
eschewing power over control of others,
uniting together as One 

personal and collective consciousness
evolving to the Omega Point,
coalescing into neighborly communities,
walking one another home in True Belonging 

spiritual and human,
as above, so below,
biosphere, noosphere,
Cosmic consciousness, mystical union

Alpha and OmegaTat Tvam Asi, Thou Art That

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
October 30, 2021

image unattributed

Author’s note: The poem’s title is a play upon Gil Scott-Heron’s spoken word poem: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. Scott-Heron was a soul and jazz poet, musician, and
author (1949-2011). The Omega Point is the name given by Pierre Tielhard de Chardin,
a Catholic priest and anthropologist (1881-1951), to the evolution of life in which
consciousness reaches a singularity event and we shift from a planet of biological life forms
to a planet of higher consciousness.)

poem: a favorite place to meditate

poem: a favorite place to meditate

chin deep in the lake’s estuary
sitting on its white sandy bottom
the tea colored water flowing

light and flickering shadows,
ripples and swift currents,
warmth and cooling breeze

consciousness expanding out
in the stillness and flow
oneing with Cosmic Creation

at deep peace
in the heavenly bosom
I am Oneing all in All

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
August 1,2021

photos by Herb and Cathey Stone,
August 1, 2018, Draper Coastal Dune Lake
Estuary, Gulfview Heights Beach, FL

poem: friends gathering for spiritual practice

After weeks of struggle, this poem comes to me to share with you all dear Beloveds
I offer this original poem today for all, who like myself, have been out of sorts and out of balance lately with worldly desires and worldly challenges which can result in attachments that distract us from a more holistic and healthy way of being. As both beings of immanence and transcendence I believe we must seek the middle path of health, wholeness, grace, and love. What better way to do this than to gather in circles as Beloveds with the intention of balancing our lives and life together.

presently gathering our selves in sadhana
aligning our very being as one
balancing satchitananda
friends, let us sit still and quiet in the circle

focusing on the breathe (discerning)
concentrating on the breathe (witnessing)
contemplating the breathe (knowing)
meditating on the breathe (being)

opening to the object breathe
as the action breathing
through the seer breather
one with all the Cosmos

balancing the spiritual energy incarnated
now dormant in our root chakra
with the Cosmic pool of Creator God universal
available at our crown chakra

emptying, dependence arising
opening the heart chakra
energy flowing root, heart, crown
non-doing, non-achieving

we pray silently
our being at One with the spiritual energy
of the Radical Love of all lying in the bosom
of the Universal God of the Cosmos

just so
let it be
so be it

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
June 6, 2021

photo of author and wife Cathey
at Santa Rosa Beach, Florida in the dunes

Author’s note: Satchitananda is sanskrit
for ‘truth, consciousness, bliss ’ describing the
experience of the highest reality of existence.
Sadhana is sanskrit for the intentional practice
of attaining higher consciousness. Chakra is
sanskrit for ‘wheel’ and refers to the
focal points of energy systems throughout the
body. Balancing the chakras involves proper
alignment of the energy in the seven main
body chakras so that the energy at our
root chakra located at the tip of our spine
flows unimpeded to the crown chakra at
top of our head allowing us to experience
the truth and bliss of the highest reality of
universal God consciousness.

poem: bodhicitta, bodhidharma, bodhisattva

poem: bodhicitta, bodhidharma, bodhisattva

clarity of mind and reality
Self realizing
in solidarity with all diversity
ally of peace and justice for all beings
companion on the journey
Cosmic beings walking the Earth always

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
June 3, 2021

image unattributed
The Monk Bodhidharma

Author’s note: Bodhicitta is enlightened mind,
bodhidharma is embodiment of awakening, and
bodhisattva is a being on the path of enlightenment.
Bodhidharma is a 5th. or 6th. century Buddhist monk
who traveled to China and introduced Buddhism there.