poem: from human suffering comes collaborative strength and solidarity

poem: from human suffering comes
collaborative strength and solidarity

allowing pain to strengthen and heal you
is to share the connection and strength
of solidarity with other human suffering

by singing together from our woundedness
meaning is given to our and others stories
by becoming a corroborative voice lifting all up

beloved fellow voices in the mercy choir
let us join together singing
our prophetic laments and soothing psalms

remembering the most precious gift we can give
another is our presence and attention here and now
belonging together in in authentic healing communities

Herb Stone
here&now working poetry
May 5, 2021

images: Savasana Chakra Garden by Kimberly Russick,
photo of Savasana Class unattributed

Authors note: Savasana is a healing Hatha Yoga posture of
deep relaxation between sleep and wakefulness. It is also
called the corpse pose. By entering this deep meditative
state of nidra consciousness we can reach higher stages
of well being that relieve stress and result in wholeness
and healing. Savasana is usually taught and practiced
as the last posture in yoga classes and with the guidance
of the instructor can be transformative.

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